Existing members please click here....
Emails sent to Anna on the admissions email address may not be received to reply within a suitable timeframe, all member are requested to join our news broadcast on telegram...https://t.me/Walsallgymnasticsclub this is for latest news, you will only get messages from WGC coaches it is not a chat. There is also a group for Walsall gym club members to post in which you can join https://t.me/joinchat/KnN2Ux1kLws4NwgQHevzwQ.(questions about admissions will not be answered on this chat you will be directed to email Anna).
If you are interested in joining the club please email Anna with your child's name and DOB in the subject line at: walsallgymnastics@gmail.com
If you have emailed Anna and are waiting for a taster session and need to fill in the online forms please click here.
We have taster sessions every 3 months so you can try a class before you commit to joining the club.
at the taster your child will experience all the apparatus and we will ask you to complete a class preference form available places will then be allocated if we do not have a place in your preferred class you will be able to join the waiting list for that class, the more availability you have the more likely it is you will get a place.
Please allow up to upto 8 weeks for a reply. Anna works full time and does gym admin as a volunteer. She will get back to you ASAP but there is no cover for her when she is on holiday etc. Please be patient. Thank you!