Ongoing fees:
Please also instruct your bank to pay £25 on the 1st of every month
Payment to HSBC Sort code:- 40-12-24
a/c - Walsall Gymnastics Centre Account No.: 41155326
Please note that the payment reference MUST include your child’s name
The fees are calculated over a twelve month period and then divided into twelve equal payments. The fees cover the cost of your child’s membership, not their attendance. Please note; if they are away through illness, or if you go on holiday, the fees are still due.
If your child will be absent for more than 3 weeks please let us know. Even if you pay your fees, we cannot hold a place if you don’t attend without explanation. Please also advise us by email if your child no longer wishes to participate. We generally have a long waiting list and high bills to pay, and we therefore cannot afford to have places unused and unpaid for. Our fees are kept low to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to participate.